Sisson on Doping

Check out this interesting article in today's LA Times on doping.  It offers a rather unique perspective from Mark Sisson, an incredible former marathoner and Ironman athlete who has served as Executive Director of the US Triathlon Federation and as Chairman of the ITU where he oversaw their anti-doping program.  I have had the pleasure of spending a bit of time with Mark -- he is quite an impressive guy who now runs a successful supplement company and is a faunt of great knowledge on not only training and fitness, but on overall wellness and nutrition.

Check out Sisson's blog -- Mark's Daily Apple.

In addition, this article revisits the (somewhat tragic) great Shirley Babashoff, a world-record setting swimming machine who suffered unexpected losses at the '76 Montreal Olympics at the hands of the East Germans.  Of her 13 Silver Medals, 10 were at the hands of the East Germans.  When she spoke out about her suspicions concerning doping among the East German women, she was considered a pariah sowing sour grapes and dubbed "Surly Shirley".  Check out this 2004 USA Today article on the subject.

Times have changed.


arno.kroner said...

Where's the link to the LA TImes article?

richroll said...

click on the NY Times hyerlink at the beginning of the article