Spring Fever
Spring is here and I'm feeling the great optimism that always greets me when the sun warms my Santa Monica Mountains, I can remove my arm warmers and let loose.
So much going on....My training has resumed after an admittedly lackluster few months as I currently prep for the Wildflower long course triathlon in a few weeks. For me, this race is way too short. I can't say I'm "fast", as so much of my prep is ultra-focused. I'm the guy who has one speed -- the "go all day" speed. The guy who doesn't feel like he's warmed up until I've been riding over 4 hours. But I've been doing some interval work for the first time ever and am going to give it a try. My expectations are low -- again I'm no jackrabbit. But it will be fun. Going to bring my boys, camp out, hang with friends and treat it like a fun training / camping weekend. Like I said, I'm just getting back into it -- its a long road to Ultraman Hawaii in November and I'm just pacing myself. Heavy weeks on the horizon. I'm super excited to see what I can do this year, but I don't want to burn out.
On other fronts, so much is happening.
I signed a sponsorhip deal with TriathlonLab recently, which is fantastic. Check out my bio on their website HERE. Owners Lloyd & Teresa are great people and I truly appreciate their support on every level. I feel like I have a pro support team behind me for the first time and it feels great. Not to mention the great company they keep sponsoring cream of the crop pro triathletes like Chis McCormack, Andrew Lockton and Chris Foster. Were even talking about doing some local training camps this summer, using my house in the Santa Monica Mountains as home base. Should be awesome.
Also, I was just invited to speak to the Disney Triathlon Team on May 7 along with pro-triathlete phenom Chris Lieto -- one of the guys I truly look up to in the sport. Not only is Chris an unparalleled athlete (and one of the best cyclists in the sport), he is an environmentalist, active through his Green Athlete program and blog, which supports green / carbon neutral living and nutrition initiatives -- not only totally cool but consistent in some ways with my plant-based nutrition advocacy. You can always spot Chris' presence at the big races with his monster biodeisel SUV. In any event, I am honored; just not sure I'm worthy! It will be a thrill just to meet him.
Next week I'm heading down to San Diego to do some promotional work for Zoot Sports -- more great people, great products and a great company.
And coming in June, it looks like I will be profiled in a major men's magazine. I'm sworn to secrecy at the moment, so just stay tuned -- its very cool (unless they change their mind!).
Finally, I am putting the finishing touches on a new website -- richroll.com. In the next month I will be migrating this blog to the new site. I'll let you know when I make the switch.
So much good stuff God is putting in my path -- all evidence that I am doing what I'm supposed to be doing. When I think back to just one year ago, I'm amazed at how much my life has positively changed. Economically times are still very tough, but I feel a shift. The sun is out and things are turning around. Looking forward to a fulfilling and prosperous Summer 2009!