Maximum Hope.......And Final Push
Just a load of gratitude for all the amazing e-mails I have received over the last day since I sent out my request for donations to the the Maximum Hope Foundation in support of my Ultraman quest. I am overwhelmed by all the support and growing groundswell of immediate contributions to this worthy cause.
Its amazing to me that when I am in service to something greater and bigger and more important than myself, it all becomes worth it. Yes, I love the training. I'd do it anyway. But when its not about me, it makes all the difference.
I have received such incredible words of support from so many people -- high school classmates I have not seen in over 20 years, college classmates, work colleagues, friends and extended family. I am overwhelmed with emotion at the support. So what started out as a fun personal challenge has morphed into a quest with much greater meaning. A quest where the stakes are raised, and we can make a real and immediate positive difference for people in need.
So PLEASE PLEASE contribute anything you can -- no matter how small -- to this most worthy charity. Remember, every penny counts, as 100% of the funds I raise will go DIRECTLY and IMMEDIATELY to a family in need. So even $5 will allow a struggling family with a chronically ill child to buy milk...or juice...or help pay their gas bill. Literally, the smallest contributions make a difference.
Again, click HERE for the link to the Maximum Hope Foundation.
And click HERE for the online contribution page -- you can contribute via PayPal or a credit card.
I've had some great e-mails with Jill Garrett, the founder of Maximum Hope. She is thrilled at the response already, so let's keep the $$ flowing in! She's even working on getting me a publicist so we can get the word out on a wider mass level. SHe is also going to put up a page on the MHF site with some info about me and the race. That is so cool -- I am simply beyond words.
On the training front, I am into my last super hard "race simulation weekend". Today I banged out a 10,000 yard swimming workout -- first time I've done that in over 20 years and I could probably count on one hand the number of times I have EVER swam 10K in one workout. Then I jumped right on my bike and rode 75 miles -- alot of climbing on what was a gorgeous perfectly clear 80 degree sunny and windy day here in LA. I just finished -- a 9 hour training day.
Tomorrow I ride 140 miles. Then I will wake up on Sunday morning and attempt my longest run yet -- 45 miles! Should be interesting.
Maximum Hope!
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